Looking for an illustrator? You have come to the right place!
Bergljots vei 5C
0575 Oslo - Norway
New collaborators
Beside our team of illustrators, we often use other illustrators in
order to answer the client’s needs the best possible way. Our network
of collaborators grows every day, and we are always keep our eyes open
for new talents. We take pride in consulting clients to choose
illustrators which will fit both the overall look and approach to the
original brief.
We would love to see more beautiful work out there, and you are very
welcome to send us your portfolio or work you feel would be an add-on
to our library.
Send us your work
Please note that we try to answer all our incoming emails, but in some
periods we tend to be really busy so please be patient. Please feel
free to send an email with work and contact info/CV. Preferably we
like low-res PDFs or portfolio links.