
Peter-John de Villiers is an artist born in South Africa, now living in the Norwegian countryside.
His iconic style has become an integrated part of the international art scene having worked extensively with musicians, the snowboard and skate industry, lifestyle brands, packaging, and advertising. His paintings, etchings, drawings and prints are exhibited internationally throughout the year, His work has hung in New York City, London, San Fransisco, Mexico City, Gold Coast, Australia, Oslo, Norway, Burlington, Vermont and more.
Photo: Yrjan Olsnes
Bula / Amundsen Bryggeri / Sørenga Sjømat / House of Maiden / The Mandrake Hotel / Satyricon / Vimana / DNT / Kråkeseølv / Volkswagen / Norsk luftambulanse / Ylajali / Granta / Grans / Frydenlund / Ringnes / SpareBank 1 / Vectura / P4 / Rema 1000 / Epleslang / Mercedes / Eldorado / Vinmonopolet / Jansen Records / Burton / Arcus / Oslo Sporveier / VANS, among others.