
Jon Arne works in and around the fields of illustration and graphic design, with a focus on editorial and identity illustration. He is a versatile practitioner who enjoys working with anything from small commissions to larger, complex projects.
He received his BA in Visual Communication at the Oslo Academy of the Arts.
Photo: Matthis Kleeb
A-magasinet / Aftenposten / European Design Awards / OsloVelo / Brutus / TV-aksjonen / Vipps / Universitetsforlaget / Grafill / Trumf / NSB / Rainforest Foundation / D2 / FFI / NAF / MediumTall / Værsågod / Energi Norge / Fritt ord / Jazznytt / Trygg trafikk / Virke / OBOS-bladet / Jernbanedirektoratet / Norsk Tipping / SpareBank1 Gruppen / Sparebankstiftelsen / Q-meieriene / Sjakkforbundet / Arkitekur N, among others.